Ramzan A month of piety, salvation

‘Ramadan does not come to change our schedules, it comes to change our hearts’.

The purpose of fasting in Ramadan
The main purpose and subject of the ritual of fasting is to make the brutality and cruelty of man a sign of obedience to the commands of Allah Almighty and obedience to the rules of faith and spirituality, and make it a habit to suppress the requirements of lusts, and since this is one of the special purposes of Prophet hood and the Shari’ah, fasting has been prescribed in all the first Shari’ahs.

Although the duration of fasting and some other detailed rules there was a difference between the special circumstances and needs, In the holy book Allah Almighty commanded his servants “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous. (Al-Baqarah verse 183)
It is certain that the soul afflicts man with sin, disobedience and immorality only when he is not hungry and his stomach is full.
On the other hand, if he is hungry, he lies in remorse and contentment in his heart and then he does not feel disobedience to Allah. The purpose of fasting is to keep the human soul hungry and to prevent it from exercising its material and sexual needs so that the supplication and the urge to take action on sin become sluggish and this is “taqwa”.
The noble creatures of the universe (angels) do not eat, drink or have wives, whereas fasting (from dawn to sunset) is the name of abstaining from these three things (eating, drinking and intercourse).

Almighty commanded his servants to fast and said: O My slaves! If you avoid these three things and imitate our pure creatures, (angels) then the pure attribute of our pure creatures (angels) will also be created in you. The translation of (Surah Tahrir) is that they (angels) do not disobey Almighty, do anything that commands them and they do what they are commanded to do. And this is the attainment of “Taqwa

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “For everything there is Zakat and the Zakat of the body is fasting.” (A narrator in one of the chains) Muhriz added in his narration: And the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Fasting is half of patience.’
Ramadan is a chance to build your emaan. Let’s prepare ourselves to replenish our imaan.
In any case, the purpose of fasting is piety.

Things that help in attaining piety
But it is not just a matter of fasting and reciting Taraweeh, but the main purpose of this month is to remove the veil of negligence from the heart, to return to the real purpose of creation, to forgive the sins committed in the last eleven months.
In the next eleven months, Crocker should inculcate in his heart the call and zeal of not committing sins with a sense of accountability for the greatness of Allah Almighty and accountability in the Hereafter, which is called “Taqwa”.

In this way the true spirit of Ramadan and its enlightenment and blessings will be obtained, otherwise it will be that Ramadan will come and go and we will not benefit from it properly, but remain empty as we were before , so a few things are pointed out by following which we will get the purpose of fasting (taqwa) and the light and blessings of Ramadan.. Inshallah, in the next part we will be detailing how we attain piety in Ramadan.

“He knows our sincerest intentions, he sees what we are trying to do, he knows where we are longing to be. He sees the struggles that we go through to remain focused and faithful. He understands our efforts when nobody understands what we do. He understands our joy when we rise and the pain behind our falls.

Courtesy : Aubaid Akhoon

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