Episode shows Imran Khan’s recent Russian visit is an extension of Pakistan begging bowl economy, as this time it was Russia where Imran Khan had gone to seek the monetary support. Amid war crisis between Russia and Ukraine the tour was declined to and brought no fruit. An impression has already been created by Khan to give a hint of Pakistan’s west looking approach. It is highly suspiring that the heavy fine imposed by America on Pak central bank for money laundering and routing money illegally through different channels to fund terror outfits is an message to Pakistan for its subversive and peace disturbing policies and approaches.

The sinking economy of PAK has posed a great threat to its existence and is an indicator of public uprising and discomfort that is found among the masses.

In this episode Pakistan is engaged in furthering its expansionist designs in POK & POGB in order to have a grip of the natural resources of this region. This approach of Pakistan is depriving the people of its area from seeking freedom from poverty, exploitation and persuation. This is proving a great hindrance in the growth of the area resulting in human right violations.

Pakistan’s Baluchistan policy has brought this province to disaster and the atrocities inflicted upon the natives of the area are a proof of human rights abuse and genocide in this region. The opinion expressed by the experts impliedly give a sense of the ugly scenes that are likely to dominate the scenario for a long.

Contrary to all this the empowerment of the masses in general and that of the marginised classes in J&K is a priority of the Govt. Episode shows On the direction of women empowerment many initiatives have been taken that changes life of rural women in Kashmir.

The developmental initiatives of the Govt in J&K are changing the minds and creating a place in the hearts of the masses that they are the inseparable part of a larger democracy where they have all the opportunities to grow & prosper.

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