Episode 36 of Taya Ki Baithak explains that Pakistan due it’s shady past activities of supporting the extremist activities has taken a large toll on its public image. The Foreign Minister of USA Antony Blinken stated in the past that Pakistan’s name has been included in the list of “Nations of particular concern”. He further added that the countries in this list will be held responsible for suppressing, the “right to freedom of religion” of the people. Pakistan as a country has suppressed it’s people harshly and their right to practice an independent religion. There has been complete oppression of people and sectarianism prevailing in Pakistan. It is heartening to see that during the first address by Mohd Ali Jinnah, he had promised that there will be equal status to all without distinction on basis of religion and there will be complete freedom to practice any religion by choice. These powerful words of Mohd Ali Jinah which were recorded during Independence have put a powerful impact on the episode, however, the current condition of ‘AWAM’ of Pakistan is quite pitiable.

The episode 36 includes byte by retired Lahore High court Judge Nasir Javed Iqbal, he says that during the establishment of Pakistan majority of people were Muslims, but the minorities can not be neglected as they played a major role in the birth of Pakistan, which reflects secularism. The judge states that Article 21 & 22 of Pakistan’s constitution gives complete freedom to it’s citizens to practice any religion as per there choice. A research & analyst Mohd Nafeez brings out his perspective on the matter, the law is being taken in their hands by the clerics & locals. For example blasphemy was punishable, by death, resulted in a lot of unwarranted killings. Violent imposition of religion has become rampant in Pakistan. A local Christian priest also, brought out in the episode blatant suppression of minorities & religions in Pakistan is very common.

Pakistan has always hidden the truth and has launched misleading propaganda in Kashmir to mislead the to local AWAM’. A leading expert on Kashmiri matters Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza states that. Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has tried to malign India’s image in a press conference by saying that Pakistan they have prepared a dossier. Which falsely implicates India on grounds of human rights violation and countless atrocities on Kashmiri people. On contrary all the terrorists disturbing the peace & tranquility, are trained in various training camps in Pakistan in GB region and other areas of PoK. He elucidates about one of the training camps near Kharian which is being run under the direct supervision of Lt Gen Madar Shaheen, where 300-400 people are training. Anti terrorism act is in vogue in GB and many areas of PoK which enables the local forces to detain, arrest anybody be cause of which people are being badly harassed in PoK, they can’t even proceed for their religious rights, marriages or to attend ceremonies of last rights without permission of local Police. There is a total wide spread violation rights of AWAM in PoK as well as Baluchistan.

Episode 36 elucidates, that there is a lot of drug smuggling in progress in the border areas which highlights a very strong Narco- terror ring. A lot of recoveries have been made by security force which is in crores. The aim of this nexus is to push the youth of Kashmir towards the drugs and subsequently the money earned is to fund the active terrorist operating in Kashmir Valley. The segment also highlights the statement by IGP Kashmir who states that many such recoveries have exposed the narco- terrorism model boosted by Pakistan. Lt Gen (Retd) DS Hooda states in the segment, that there is a deep, solid link between narcotics and terrorism which is on the rise. He further, added that this is a threat to security of the nation and also even drones are also being used to drop weapons, drugs from the other side.

Home minister, Mr Amit Shah states that narcoterrorism is a very big threat to the security of the nation. He stated that the money earned from this is being utilised to fund terrorists organisations. It also, is a threat to the economy of the country and development of the youth. Therefore, India under the able leadership of Modi will not allow the narcotics and their modules associated with terrorism to spread.

Central govt is planning to construct four main national highway projects to connect the hilly and isolated areas of J&K which will boost the tourism, especially in the border areas, 441 crore rupees have been allotted to improve Jammu, Akhnoor highway and further towards Sialkot also. This is a major positive step towards the development of the state of J&K. It will definitely develop tourism to a great extent and boost the economy in a big way.

The episode includes an inspirational tale by a girl hailing from Kashmir and how she became an airhostess, further she rose to become an intonational Pilot after a lot of hard work and dedication. It reflects a strong will and great perseverance which the youth of Kashmir already has.

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