Legal Document No 17
Your Excellency is already aware that circumstances obliged me to dismiss Diwan Lachman Das, Prime Minister and President of the Council. As I think that the Council which was formed with your kind advice should be continued, I have prepared a scheme for its reorganization which I beg to forward herewith to your Excellency.
I beg to express the high consideration and esteem I entertain for your Excellency and to subscribe myself, etc.
(l) The Council shall consist of a President, Vice-President, three members, and a Secretary.
(2) His Highness the Maharaja shall be the President.
(3) Highness shall appoint a Vice-President, Members and a Secretary.
(4) Three shall form a quorum.
(5) The Vice-President, Members, and the Secretary may be removed and substituted by majority of votes of the Members of the Council, for reasons to be recorded.
(6) The Council shall be a consultative one.
(7) The Raja Amar Singh is hereby appointed VicePresident and Raja Ram Singh and Babu Nilambar Milkers Members, with Diwan Janki Prasad, Member and Secretary.
(8) The Members shall represent the ‘following branches of administration:
(i) Military – Raja Ram Singh.
(ii) Judicial and Foreign Department – Raja Amar Singh.
(iii) Revenue – Babu Nilambar Mukerji.
(iv) Miscellaneous – Diwan Janki Prasad.
9. The Vice-President shall also be the Prime Minister with executive powers.
10. The Vice-President and Members shall take the following oath: –
“I solemnly declare that in giving my opinion as a Member of Council, I shall keep in view the best interests of the State, and shall freely express my honest convictions, without fear or favour, and I shall not divulge any secrets of the State.”
11. The Council shall sit three days in the week, authorised holidays excepted, and any extraordinary meeting shall be held, on the requisition of the Prime Minister.
12. It shall be the duty of the Council to legislate and hear and pass opinion on all subjects that may be brought forward by the Members.
13. The Council shall, on meeting, frame rules for its guidance, which may be removed or modified by it only.
14. All matters shall be decided on majority of votes.
15. Besides the matters which may be brought forward in the Council by the Members, the Prime Minister, who is the head of the Executive Government under His Highness, may refer to the Council for opinion all important questions affecting the administration in all its branches.
16. The respective opinions of the several Members shall be recorded and signed.
17. When a Member brings forward, or the Prime Minister refers, any special matter to the Council, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to furnish all the members with a written statement of the subject matter.
18. The office establishment shall be considered and settled by the Council on meeting.