Taya Ki Baithak

Highlights of the TKB : Episode 23 are as under :-

  • The Episode 23 of TAYA KI BAITHAK, elucidates that neighbouring state of Pakistan has illegally spread numerous rumors about Kashmir and it’s governance.
  • Human Rights Commission Chairman in Gilgit-Baltistan, Dr Amjab Ayub Mirza states that for a longtime, Pakistan has been purporting the narrative that Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) is part of Pakistan’s Autonomous Region, however, Pakistan has never talked of any development effort which in GB.
  • Dr Amjab Ayub Mirza narrates that India has never attacked any nation ever. It was Pakistan which attacked India on 22 Oct 1947 is a planned way, with preparations from Jun-Jul 1947. He further added that after the new land reforms when the Kabaili heads in Afghanistan and local people lost their lands arrived in GB, the first condition laid down by the regime was to take refuge and become an active member of any Tanzeem.
  • Dr Amjab Ayub Mirza states that this fictional theory that post 370 abrogation and creation of UTs, India has forcefully changed the map of Kashmir is just an eyewash.
  • The episode elucidates the positive steps taken by the government to alleviate the people of J&K through positive development work.
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