Baloch, Afghans in US protest against human rights violations in Pak

Members of the Baloch, Sindhi and Afghan communities living in the United States along with several migrants from Bangladesh and Gilgit-Baltistan region have held a peaceful protest and a car rally in Washington against human rights violations of minorities in Pakistan.

“All oppressed communities from Pakistan are protesting against the human rights violations there.

We demand the international community and the United States to impose sanctions against Pakistan,” Nabi Baksha Baloch from the Baloch National Movement, US, told PTI during the protest held on 14 Aug 21.

The protest in front of the Embassy of Pakistan, where they reached in a car rally, was organized by the “Expose-Pakistan Campaign Committee”, of which Baloch National Movement is a part of along with Pashtun Tahafuz Movement – USA, Jiye Sindh Freedom Movement, Human Rights Congress for Bangladeshi Minorities and Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan “August 14 is not a day of Azadi (freedom) but the day Pakistan forcefully occupied Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan.

It is the day when cultural genocide and ethnic engineering started in Sindh. It is the day when Islamic terrorism was imposed on Pashtuns and Afghans to destroy their cultural identity,” the organisers said in a statement.

“It is the day when Hindu citizens lost their right to religious freedom and life,” it said, adding that the protest is organized by the direct victims of Pakistan’s brutal domestic and foreign policy.

The protesters also said that Pakistan is openly funding Taliban, which is on the list of UN-banned terrorist groups.

“This is a clear violation of UN Charter and the international community should place a ban on the sales of weapons and military hardware to Islamabad.

Moreover, we demand that FATF should move Pakistan to the Blacklist,” they said.

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a Paris-based watchdog to combat money laundering terror financing.

“US and its allies should impose trade and commerce restrictions on China, Iran and Pakistan for supporting terrorism and genocide.

The United Nations should remove Pakistan and Iran from the Human Rights Council,” the agitators said

Courtesy : THEWEEK

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