A number of Afghan refugees have once again criticized the ongoing mistreatment and arrests of Afghan citizens in Pakistan.
These refugees expressed that they are facing serious challenges and urged the interim Afghan government and international organizations to address their concerns.
Mohammad Reza, an Afghan refugee in Pakistan, told “At times, even those with legal documents are deported. They face harassment and mistreatment. These issues occur daily, and those without visas and passports are forcibly expelled.”
Khadija Yousufi, another Afghan refugee in Pakistan, stated: “I urge the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan to address our problems.”
Meanwhile, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Pakistan has reported to the Senate Committee on States and Frontier Regions that around 2.9 million Afghans live in Pakistan, of whom 1.4 million are registered.
According to reports from Pakistani media, Senators Sadia Abbasi and Syed Mansoor Ehsan have emphasized the need to provide assistance to Afghan refugees.
Nazar Nazari, a refugee rights activist, said: “International organizations and institutions responsible for refugee support must make serious efforts to resolve these challenges.”
The complaints of Afghan refugees about mistreatment in Pakistan persist, while the Islamic Emirate’s chargé d’affaires in Islamabad recently stated that embassy officials are working to address the issues faced by Afghan refugees in Pakistan.