The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has released the final video message of “Fidayee” Tayyab Baloch, also known as Lala, who took part in the group’s Operation Herof.

The video, shared by the BLA’s media wing, Hakkal, begins with footage of Tayyab Baloch during a BLA operation in Kalat’s Iskalko area, where he and other fighters are seen capturing weapons from Pakistani military forces.

In his message, Tayyab Baloch reflects on his decision to leave Pakistan’s Frontier Corps (FC), where he served for six years. He recounts a pivotal moment during a military operation in Kech, where he witnessed soldiers mistreating a Baloch family.

Baloch recalls being confronted by the family’s mother, who questioned his loyalty to his Baloch roots. “She asked me, ‘Are you Baloch?’ and I had no answer,” he said, adding that this encounter motivated him to defect from the Pakistani military and join the BLA.

After leaving the FC, Baloch says he volunteered for the BLA’s Majeed Brigade, an elite unit responsible for “Fidayeen” (suicide) attacks. He expressed deep regret for his time in the Pakistani military, calling it a “period of ignorance” and pledging to atone for his past by fighting for Balochistan’s independence.

“I saw firsthand how they [the Pakistani military] treated Baloch civilians, dishonoring our mothers and sisters, and throwing our men into vehicles like animals,” Baloch said in his message. He criticized Pakistan’s military operations in Balochistan, stating that they have contributed to the oppression of the Baloch people.

Baloch declared that becoming a “Fidayee” was his way of repaying a “debt to the homeland.” He called on Baloch youth to rise against what he described as the “occupation” of their land by Pakistan, saying, “This war is your war, and everyone must contribute to the struggle.”

In his closing remarks, Tayyab Baloch addressed the Pakistani military and those he described as collaborators, stating: “I was once misguided, but now I understand the truth. We will stand in defense of our mothers and sisters, and for every one of us who falls, another will rise to continue the fight.”

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