A young Baloch man has reportedly gone missing in Pakistan after being forcibly deported from Bahrain.

According to his family, Asad Baloch, son of Usman and a resident of Mand Kanik, was deported by Bahraini authorities on 28 August without any official explanation. He was flown from Bahrain to Karachi, transiting through the United Arab Emirates.

Upon his arrival at Karachi airport on 29 August, Asad was allegedly detained by Pakistani authorities. Since then, his whereabouts have remained unknown.

His family is calling for his immediate and safe release, stating that if Asad is accused of any crime, he should be presented before a court of law.

The deportation of Baloch individuals at risk in Pakistan from Gulf countries has become a recurring issue. In 2018, Baloch activist Rashid Hussain was detained in the United Arab Emirates and later deported to Pakistan, where he remains missing.

In a similar case in 2022, businessman Hafeez Baloch was detained by UAE security forces and deported to Pakistan, where he also disappeared. After more than five months of enforced disappearance, Hafeez surfaced in a Karachi jail and was later acquitted of all charges, as the allegations against him could not be proven in court.

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