The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), a Baloch armed group, has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks in Balochistan, targeting Pakistani military forces and “Independence Day” celebrations. The attacks occurred in Quetta, Zamuran, Noshki, and Khuzdar areas of Balochistan, where BLA fighters launched seven different assaults, emphasizing their ongoing independence movement against the Pakistani state.

In Quetta, the capital city, the BLA claimed that their fighters fired several rocket-propelled grenades at the Nawab Akbar Bugti Stadium during a government-sponsored Independence Day event. The ceremony, heavily guarded by the Pakistani military, was part of the national celebrations marking August 14. The group also attacked a railway station near Quetta, where another “Independence Day” event was taking place, using explosives to disrupt the gathering.

According to the BLA statement, additional attacks in Quetta included a grenade assault on the Quetta Secretariat and an attack on a military checkpoint in the Akhtarabad area, where at least two security personnel were injured.

Beyond Quetta, the BLA claimed that it targeted a military post in Zamuran, initiating the attack by sniping one Pakistani soldier and subsequently wounding three others with heavy weaponry. The BLA fighters also destroyed surveillance cameras installed by the military at the post.

In Khuzdar, the BLA launched a grenade attack on the residence of Yunus Muhammad Shahi, who they described as a member of a government-backed death squad. Another assault took place in Noshki, where the BLA targeted Pakistani military personnel at Zorabad with grenades, reportedly injuring two soldiers.

The BLA has vowed to continue its armed struggle against the Pakistani military presence in Balochistan until what they describe as the “complete withdrawal” of Pakistani forces from the region.

Baloch Movement and Attacks on Pakistan’s Independence Day

The Balochistan region has been the epicenter of a long-running insurgency by various Baloch armed groups, including the BLA. These groups demand greater autonomy and independence for Balochistan, citing historical grievances, economic marginalization, and human rights abuses by the Pakistani state.

Attacks by Baloch armed groups often intensify around Pakistan’s national day celebrations, particularly August 14, which marks the country’s Independence Day. These attacks are meant to challenge the state’s authority and disrupt celebrations that they view as symbols of Pakistani occupation.

Balochistan’s independence movement has been ongoing for several decades, with waves of violence and crackdowns by the Pakistani military. Despite government efforts to quell the unrest through both military operations and development initiatives, the insurgency persists, fueled by a deep sense of alienation among many Baloch people.

The recent attacks claimed by the BLA underscore the continued volatility in Balochistan and the resilience of the Baloch armed groups operating in the region.

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