The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that in the past three months of this year, 858,170 individuals have returned to Afghanistan from Iran and Pakistan.

According to the organization, during this period, 532,854 people have migrated to Iran and Pakistan.

Based on this report, 56% of these Afghans were forcibly returned from Iran, and 46% returned voluntarily.

Part of the report states: ” From April to the end of June 2024,  DTM Flow Monitoring (FM) counted 858,170 individuals entering Afghanistan, and 532,854 leaving Afghanistan.”
The International Organization for Migration said that 74% of Afghans returned voluntarily, and 19% returned due to insecurity and lack of personal safety from Pakistan.
Simultaneously, several Afghan migrants in Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey complain about economic problems, lack of jobs, and other challenges.

Juma Khan, an activist in the field of migrant rights, said: “The role of the International Organization for Migration in assisting those migrants who are returned for any reason can be very necessary, vital, and fundamental.”

Haji Nazar, an Afghan migrant in Pakistan, said: “Afghan migrants in Pakistan struggle with many problems, but despite these challenges, they spend their days and nights in Pakistan and maintain their dignity. Afghan migrants in Pakistan do not have access to many human rights.”

Mohammad Yurtash, an Afghan migrant in Turkey, said: “Another problem that has unfortunately increased these days is the issue of families living in Turkey; if their breadwinner is detained, their families remain without support for even months.”

The International Organization for Migration has clarified that these statistics were published after interviewing more than 81,000 Afghans at the Torkham, Spin Boldak, Islam Qala, Abu Nasr Farahi, Angur Ada, and Dand-e-Patan crossings.

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