Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the president of Uzbekistan, said that conflicts in other parts of the world have caused Afghanistan to fall out of global attention.

Mirziyoyev said during the informal meeting of the member states of the Turkic Council that his country will continue to provide aid to Afghanistan.

In the statement by the president of Uzbekistan, he mentioned: “Unfortunately, due to the intensification of wars and conflicts in other parts of the world, the situation of our neighboring Afghanistan, where millions of Turkic people live, has fallen out of the global community’s sight. Uzbekistan will continue to provide necessary aid to the people of Afghanistan.”

“The more Afghanistan once again becomes the focus of the world and neighboring countries’ attention, it can increase political interactions and also improve our economic exchanges, so that we can work on international trade without problems,” said Abdul Nasir Rishtya, an economic analyst.

In this meeting, the president of Uzbekistan also called for coordinated efforts among the member countries of this organization to address the situation in Afghanistan.
He also deemed the release of Afghanistan’s assets effective in changing the living conditions of the country’s citizens.

The statement added: “We are convinced that the return of Afghanistan’s frozen financial assets abroad will help alleviate the social situation in Afghanistan. Under the new realities, the development of common and unified approaches regarding Afghanistan by the member countries of the organization should become the main agenda of our foreign ministers’ negotiations.”

“The relationships between the countries of the region and Afghanistan are very deep and comprehensive and are expanding every day. Stability in Afghanistan leads to peace and stability in the region and results in regional progress,” said Fazal Rahman Oria, a political analyst.

Hamdullah Fitrat, deputy spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, welcomed the continued cooperation of Uzbekistan with Afghanistan and said that the release of the frozen funds of the country would have a direct impact on the country’s citizens.

Fitrat said in this regard: “We welcome that the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has emphasized the continued support for the people of Afghanistan and called for the release of the frozen funds of the people of Afghanistan. Certainly, the release of Afghanistan’s frozen funds will have a direct impact on the lives of the people.”

The Organization of Turkic States, also known as the Turkic Council, is an international organization consisting of five Turkic-speaking countries, with Hungary and Turkmenistan participating as observers.

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