Residents of Konshkalat Tump in Balochistan have accused Pakistani security forces of harassing a widow, identified as Aneesa Baloch, through repeated nighttime raids and intimidation. These allegations were made during a Saturday press conference at the Turbat Press Club.

According to the residents, Pakistani security forces have repeatedly entered Aneesa Baloch’s home under the cover of darkness, seizing valuable items and livestock. Aneesa’s husband, Asim Faqeer, was reportedly abducted by Pakistani forces on February 2, 2013, from Nodiz, Turbat. His mutilated body was discovered on May 26, 2013, bearing severe torture marks.

Since then, Aneesa Baloch and her family have faced ongoing harassment and threats. On March 12, 2023, her nephew Israr Ataullah was allegedly violently assaulted and forcibly disappeared during a raid on their ancestral village. He remains missing.

Residents detailed further incidents, including a shooting at Aneesa’s home gate by an alleged state-backed ‘death squad’ on June 1, 2024. They also reported a raid by a large contingent of Pakistani forces on June 19, 2024, at around 1 a.m. During this raid, the security forces allegedly beat Aneesa and her elderly parents, confiscated mobile phones, and issued death threats. Aneesa’s two young sons are reportedly traumatized by the ongoing “brutality.”

The residents condemned these actions as violations of national laws and human rights. They expressed concern over similar incidents across Balochistan, where Pakistani security forces raid homes, and women and children are harassed and beaten without any genuine cause.

They called on the Chief Justice of Pakistan and international human rights organizations to intervene and protect Aneesa Baloch. They also urged the United Nations to send a fact-finding commission to investigate the reported abuses and ensure justice for the victims in Balochistan.

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