President Hu­man Rights Cell Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Far­hatullah Babar yesterday called for a major shakeup of Pakistan Telecommu­nication Authority (PTA) and demanded immedi­ate restoration of the ‘X’ social media platform. “The admission, before Sindh High Court after a month long denial, by the interior ministry that it had blocked the social media platform “X” on the advice of the intelligence agencies represents a dan­gerous model of gover­nance in which a security paranoid establishment takes decisions without accountability and with­out regard to economy, education and democratic right of expression,” he said in a statement. Babar said the ‘confused’ PTA has been denying all along that blockage was even in place. It owes an expla­nation. It must come out clean. “A major shakeup of the organization is called for and the platform “X” must be restored immedi­ately,” he said.

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