Pakistani security forces have reportedly picked up two individuals from Quetta and Bolan and transferred them to an undisclosed location.

Reports indicate that a man named Gul Zaman Kurd was taken into custody from the Mach area of Balochistan’s Bolan district and has since been incommunicado.

Gul Zaman Kurd is the brother of Sher Zaman Kurd, who was allegedly seized by Pakistani security forces in February 2011. Sher Zaman Kurd’s disfigured and battered corpse was discovered a month later in March within Quetta.

In a separate incident, Asif Shahwani was identified as the individual detained in Quetta. He was purportedly seized by security forces from the Kechi Baig locality of Quetta and relocated to an unknown destination. His current status and location remain a mystery, causing his family immense anxiety and fear for his safety.

Baloch human rights activists have taken to social media to urge international human rights organizations to intervene against the ongoing enforced disappearances in Balochistan. They implore these groups to acknowledge the dire circumstances in Balochistan and to hold the Pakistani state and its security forces accountable.

The activists are also advocating for the immediate and safe release of Gul Zaman Kurd, voicing apprehensions that he may suffer the same tragic end as his brother.

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