Sheikh Rasheed as New Interior Minister

Sheikh Rasheed foiled the Lahore rally of PDM. Opposition leaders are summoning their members and asking them as to why they could not bring enough public in the rally. The drama of resignation has been deferred by the PDM leadership, on shaky grounds. Sheikh Rasheed played such a game that no one can accuse the government of stopping people from going to the rally. After the failure of the Lahore rally, Sheikh Rasheed is asking the opposition leaders (sarcastically), “I am waiting for your resignations”. Prior to the rally, Maryam organised rallies every day. The whole city was held hostage to her rallies. The life of Lahorites was disturbed. They were asking, “If Maryam is angry with the government, why is she punishing us?”.

In every rally of PDM, Nawaz Sharif has said that the army chief or the ISI has to be made answerable. Then why is the common man being held hostage? The opposition is clever: it is trying to fool the public by holding the jalsas. Internally, it is trying to talk to the army. The opposition cannot digest the fact that Imran Khan is dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic successfully and steering the failing economy well. The opposition wants to create political instability in Pakistan. The resultant crisis would not only affect the government’s efforts to contain the virus but it would also be exploited by the enemies of Pakistan.

Sheikh Rasheed knows how to counter the plans of the opposition. He also knows how to outsmart Indian Home Minister Amit Shah. Sheik Rasheed as the interior minister would make Amit Shah bite the dust at every step. Pakistan’s army also would be emboldened to give a befitting reply to India (on the LoC). Prime Minister Imran Khan has selected the right person to foil the opposition’s attack and strengthen democracy in the country. Maryam and Bilawal are like kids in front of Sheik Rasheed. Rasheed’s appointment as the interior minister has shaken the opposition rank and files.

Sheikh Rasheed and Hareem Shah

An explosive new video featuring TikTok star Hareem Shah is said to show Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, Imran’s railway’s minister, is accused of lewd behaviour. Shah has publicly confirmed that the footage is authentic, and says a friend of hers leaked it. In the video, a woman who isn’t in the frame can be heard speaking the lewd lines during a face-to-face call with a man. Towards the end, the man appears to cut the call too much amusement on the other side. Hareem Shah has told a Pakistani TV channel that she’s been receiving threats. This is hardly Hareem Shah’s first brush with controversy. She caused quite the stir when a video showed her inside a conference room in Pakistan’s foreign office and sitting in the seat meant for the person chairing meetings. Hareem Shah has been compared to Qandeel Baloch, a social media star who made provocative videos and was murdered by her own brother in an honour killing.

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