Pakistani forces have allegedly forcibly disappeared four people after their arrest from the Awaran and Mastung districts of Balochistan, on Wednesday.

According to reports, Pakistani forces allegedly forcibly detained a man along with his son from the Jhal Chedgi area of the district and subsequently moved them to an undisclosed location. The detainees have been identified as Majeed and Ajeem s/o Majeed.

In another similar development, Pakistani forces allegedly arrested Salam Qambarani from Peerandar Awaran and subsequently moved him to an undisclosed location.

Similarly another case of enforced disappearance emerged from Mastung districts as Pakistani forces reportedly detained a youth named Mohammad Alizai.

Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), an organisation advocating against enforced disappearances in Balochistan, confirmed the incident and, said that the aforementioned youth has been taken into custody by the Pakistani forces from his home on February 2nd.

The government authorities or military officials have not yet confirmed or denied the allegations.

It’s pertinent to mention that enforced disappearances are not uncommon in Balochistan and continue on a daily basis. Notably, six cases of enforced disappearances were reported from different parts of Balochistan on Wednesday. On the other hand, families of Baloch missing persons are continuously protesting for the safe recovery of their loved ones. At present, a sit-in has been underway on D-Baloch Highway near Turbat for the last eight days for the safe recovery of the missing persons recently disappeared from district Kech.

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