Pakistan and Iran yester­day held extensive parleys on how to combat and pre­vent terrorism emanating from Afghanistan and af­fecting both the countries. 

Ambassador Hasan Ka­zmi Qomi, heading a del­egation, held talks with Pakistan’s Special Repre­sentative on Afghanistan Asif Durrani on the situ­ation in Afghanistan and the regional processes for peace and dialogue, For­eign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra said in a statement issued here.

According to sources, Pa­kistan took Iran into con­fidence on the frequent terror attacks by banned TTP from across the bor­der and American weap­ons being used by them against Pakistan. 

In November and De­cember 2023, there have been deadly attacks by TTP militants in KP prov­ince resulting into huge casualties. Iran also took Pakistan into confidence over the fresh wave of ter­rorism particularly Kir­man attack which took over 103 lives. Both the sides agreed to share in­telligence information about the terrorists op­erating from Afghanistan and their planning which could be countered well in advance. 

According to the sourc­es, both Pakistan and Iran would take up the matter with Kabul authorities. 

Earlier, the Iranian del­egation headed by spe­cial representative Qomi also met Pakistani Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani. 

On the occasion, the FM underscored Pakistan’s commitment to a peaceful and stable Afghanistan and emphasized the need for enhanced coordination for regional stability. He also underlined the critical role of neighbouring countries of Afghanistan to achieve the vision of a peaceful and stable region.

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