J&K Students Association on Wednesday urged Government of India to Advocate Special Scholarships for Kashmiri Students at G20 Summit. 

The National Convenor of the Jammu and Kashmir Students Association Nasir Khuehami in his statement, urging the Government of India to actively engage with G20 countries during the upcoming summit in order to advocate for special scholarships for Kashmiri students.

He said that, this initiative aims to empower the youth of Kashmir by enabling them to move beyond regional constraints and explore diverse educational opportunities on an international scale. Kashmiri students have long encountered difficulties in obtaining study visas and securing admissions in foreign universities, hindering their potential for personal and professional growth. Recognizing the significance of the G20 platform and the proximity of member countries, the Jammu and Kashmir Students Association believes that the Government of India should seize this opportunity to champion educational and other opportunities for Kashmiri students.

Khuehami said that, By advocating for special scholarships, the Government of India can pave the way for Kashmiri students to access quality education and gain exposure to global perspectives. Such initiatives will not only enhance the academic prospects of Kashmiri youth but also equip them to make meaningful contributions on an international scale, fostering greater cultural understanding and collaboration.

The Jammu and Kashmir Students Association calls upon the Government of India to prioritize the educational aspirations of Kashmiri students and actively engage with G20 countries to ensure the provision of special scholarships. This endeavor will not only uplift the youth but also serve as a crucial step towards promoting inclusivity and integration within the international academic community.

Khuehami emphasizes the importance of empowering Kashmiri students and enabling them to transcend regional boundaries, unlocking their potential as global citizens.

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