The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a part of the Belt and Road initiative, will be extended into Afghanistan, the countries agreed following a meeting in Islamabad on Saturday.

China and Pakistan, during the 4th round of the Foreign Minister-level Pakistan-China Strategic Dialogue in Islamabad between Chinese foreign minister Qin Gang and his Pakistani counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, decided that both the sides will “continue their humanitarian and economic assistance for the Afghan people and enhance development cooperation in Afghanistan”.

statement by Pakistan’s foreign ministry read, “Both sides called on all stakeholders to work together for a peaceful, stable, prosperous and united Afghanistan, which would firmly combat terrorism and live in harmony with its neighbours. The two sides underscored the need for the international community to provide continued assistance and support to Afghanistan including through unfreezing of Afghanistan’s overseas financial assets.”

It added, “The two sides agreed to continue their humanitarian and economic assistance for the Afghan people and enhance development cooperation in Afghanistan, including through extension of CPEC to Afghanistan.”

The move is expected to pave way for investment of billions of dollars for infrastracture projects in the country which is hit by sanctions and is facing an economic crisis.

Hailing the completion of a decade of CPEC in 2023, the two sides hailed the corridor as a “shining example of Belt and Road cooperation which has accelerated socio-economic development, job creation and improvement of people’s livelihoods in Pakistan”. The countries also agreed to actively advance the Karachi Circular Railway alongside key areas of cooperation including, inter alia, agriculture, science and technology, IT, and renewable energy.

Pakistan is also hosting Afghanistan’s Taliban-appointed foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, to hold a three-way meeting with China and Pakistan.

This is the second time that Muttaqi is visiting Pakistan since the Taliban takeover. Pakistan has lately expressed concern over a surge in attacks across the country by the Pakistani Taliban — an independent militant group that is allied with and sheltered by the Afghan Taliban. Muttaqi is also expected to discuss the issue of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan as well as the two nations’ border issues.

In Pakistan, Beijing is funding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor — a package that includes mega projects such as road construction, power plants and agriculture. CPEC, also known as the One Road Project, is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a global endeavor aimed at reconstituting the Silk Road and linking China to all corners of Asia.

During the meeting on Saturday, bilateral relations, including in political, strategic, economic, defense security, education and cultural domains, were reviewed. The two sides reiterated their resolve to counter terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

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