Jammu and Kashmir  has achieved 57.32 percent coverage of households with tap water connections within premises against the national coverage of 58.68 percent.

This has been revealed in a latest Economic Survey Report (2022-2023) compiled by  Directorate of Economics and Statistics Planning Development and Monitoring Department, J&K

The report adding that the UT has saturated/provided 100 percent households tap connections in two districts of Srinagar and Ganderbal , comprising of  11 blocks, 451 panchayats and 1118 villages.

As many as 10.66 lakh households out of 18.67 lakh have been covered under the Jal Jeevan Mission in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the remaining 8.01 lakh households shall be covered during 2023-24 respectively , says the report

“As on date 10.66 lakh households out of 18.67 lakh have been covered under the Mission, and the remaining 8.01 lakh households shall be covered during 2022-23 and 2023-24 respectively,” says the report. It adds that on the basis of Village Action Plans and District Action Plans formulated by the Pani Samitis and  District Jal Jeevan Missions, UT of J&K has planned 3125 Schemes (1120- New/Augmentation and 2005- Retro fitting) at an estimated cost of Rs 14226.00 crore for the coverage of balance 12.92 lakh rural households, besides upgrading the service level of 5.75 lakh rural households that were connected with tap water connections at the start of the Mission.

All the rural Schools (23160), Anganwadi Centers (24163) and Health Institutions (3324) have been provided tap water connections as part of the 100 days campaign launched by Prime Minister. “Besides, 1666 Gram Panchyat buildings (52.8 percent) out of 3156 have also been provided with tap water connections and remaining shall be covered during 2022-23 and 2023-24.”

Srinagar District achieved 2nd Rank in Jal Jeevan Sarvekhshan among in the 128 District in Front Runners category, it said. “After the implementation of 74th amendment operation and maintenance (O&M) of 140 water supply schemes and allied infrastructure within the jurisdiction of Jammu and Srinagar City along with posts of permanent officers/officials, funds etc stands transferred to ULBs,” report reveals adding that the Government is committed to provide potable drinking water to every household.

“Providing water facilities is essential for improved quality of life besides improves hygiene and livelihood conditions of the public. Strenuous efforts for covering every household with functional tap connection are being made by taking up new water supply schemes, maintenance and upgradation/augmentation of existing water supply schemes,” it said adding that J&K economy is predominately agriculture dependent and nearly 70 percent of population is directly or indirectly engaged in agricultural and allied occupations. “For providing better irrigation facilities for agriculture, construction/maintenance of irrigation canals/khuls is being focussed.”

Pertinently, in view of the hilly and mountainous terrain of the UT, challenges posed by the climate change are immense. Climate change is disrupting weather patterns, leading to extreme weather events and resulting in changes in water cycle patterns. As a result, flood threats have become stronger for mitigation of which various flood protection measures are under execution and in pipeline.

The report says that during 2021-22, 348 number of works have been completed under PHE sector resulting in providing 62500 number of household connections and benefitting 3.47 lakh souls. Besides, 2.17 (approx.) lakh water quality tests have also been conducted.

“Under I&FC 161 sector, 109 number of works have been completed resulting in creation of 0.18 lakh Ha Irrigation potential besides, 27000 Ha of land has been protected from flood threats,” report reveals during 2022-23, 124 number of works have been completed under PHE sector benefitting 30000 souls. Besides, 1.91 lakh water quality tests have also been conducted.

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