Officials from the Technical and Vocational Education Authority say that 29,000 lower-level employees of the Islamic Emirate are currently undergoing training in administration and management.

The officials said that in the past two years, eleven thousand students have graduated from the programs of this authority, and currently, sixty thousand other students are in the process of being trained.

Ghulam Haidar Shahamat, the Acting Head of the Technical and Vocational Education Authority, said: “The Mujahideen who were at lower levels, now 29,000 of them are studying in the field of administration and management. This is a great achievement for the Islamic Emirate and our nation.”

Mohsen Sadat, the Head of Quality Assurance Programs, stated: “We had around ten to eleven thousand students graduate this year, and we have over 60,000 students currently enrolled.”

Aziz Rahman Habibi, the Quality Assurance Manager of the Technical and Vocational Education Authority, said in a program regarding quality assurance and accreditation in Kabul that the quality assurance sector has a positive impact on reducing the weaknesses of institutions and improving their performance in the country.

Habibi added: “Any institution, whether it is education, higher education, or the Technical and Vocational Education Authority, has been established to provide quality services, and they must deliver good and quality services.”

According to the Head of Quality Assurance at the Technical and Vocational Education Authority, 115 vocational disciplines and 73 core disciplines are currently being taught in these institutes.

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