The Federal Government of Pakistan issued a report assessing the damages caused by the heavy monsoon rains and flash flooding. The report estimated that a whopping one million people in Balochistan are at risk of extreme poverty.

Balochistan sustained damages worth 890 billion rupees, and a staggering 491 billion are needed for the rehabilitation of people worst hit by the disaster.

The chilling weather has made life difficult for the people living under an open sky. Thousands of families were stranded when the heavy floods washed away their houses and belongings, leaving them with nothing but their lives. The survivors are trying to get back to their previous lifestyles, but the extensive damages, compounded by government ineptitude, are keeping them marooned.

The rampant corruption among the bureaucratic echelons and the government’s inability means it is difficult to deliver aid to the survivors.

Former provincial minister Zahoor Buledi has claimed that the European Union Ambassador, Dr Riina Kionka, travelled to Quetta with an astounding 142 million euros in aid for the flood victims. She waited for four days to meet with the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Quddus Bizenjo, but he could not get time out of his busy sleeping schedule. Disappointed and dismayed, the ambassador left, Buledi claimed.

The Balochistan government has not commented on these allegations.

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